Catalonia Hotels & Resorts Blog awarded Catalonia Royal Bavaro gives the “Loved by Guests” award based on real guest comments and experiences., one of the leading online hotel booking sites of the Expedia group, has awarded Catalonia Royal Bavaro in the Dominican Republic with the “Loved by Guests” award after obtaining excellent reviews in 2016 from its customers.

Reviews and ratings contained within this site are the reviews of customers and suppliers; gives recognition and congratulates all establishments that have a guest rating of more than 4 out of 5.

The Loved by Guest Awards from, take on special relevance when you consider that customer opinions have grown in importance in recent years, and more than 80% of travelers say today that the comments of other travelers are important and almost half claim that they would not book a hotel without reading reviews.

Catalonia Royal Bavaro is the ideal place to enjoy the authentic Caribbean in an exclusive, adults-only environment. Its small details make big the stay and the personalized service the guests receive make them feel as if they are in heaven.

Exclusive suites, innovative restaurants, dreamlike swimming pools, perfect to relax in this tropical paradise and to enjoy the best vacation.

This resort is located in Playas de Bavaro (Punta Cana); one of the best beach areas in the Dominican Republic. The resort complex is located 16km (20 minutes) from Punta Cana International Airport, 58 km (45 minutes) from Higüey, the most important urban center of the province. At 82 Km (1 hour) from La Romana International Airport and 179km (2 hours) from Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo.

“Good work, we hope you continue to provide outstanding levels of guest service in 2017!” Were the words of the reps towards the hotel. This award demonstrates the satisfaction rating of the guests and is a recognition of the daily effort of the hotel and its employees to offer the highest level of quality in the service.